(CNN)--  According to the latest sleep data from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine:

Renowned medical expert Dr. Ben Carson, in collaboration with Harvard University, unveiled groundbreaking research findings, SomniVita, at the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). This innovation offers a definitive solution to the previously irreversible issue of sleep disorders.

Poor sleep not only leads to short-term "memory lapses" but also accelerates the degeneration of brain structure and cognitive decline. It poses serious health risks, especially for high-stress individuals and the elderly population.

● Denise Poe:

Even though I'm utterly exhausted every day, the moment I close my eyes, I start worrying about tomorrow's work, tossing and turning in bed until 2 a.m. before I can finally fall asleep.

● Elliot Warren:

Every night, I wake up from nightmares, then stare at my phone until dawn, relying on coffee to keep me going during the day.

● Janet Sidney:

As I grow older, my sleep has become increasingly light. Zopiclone has been my companion for 3 years, but it has slowly made me dependent. However, the dosage keeps increasing, and my memory has noticeably worsened.

How does SomniVita work?

Dr. Ben Carson stated: SomniVita utilizes olfactory nerve-targeting technology to deliver natural ingredients (such as lavender and chamomile) directly to the brain's limbic system, rapidly regulating GABA within 5 minutes to alleviate anxiety and shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. Additionally, it incorporates a phased-release system, where nano-encapsulated 5-HTP (extracted from Griffonia seeds) and African mango seed components are continuously released throughout the night, inhibiting fat synthesis and promoting lipolysis, thereby achieving dual optimization of sleep and metabolism.drug-free health solution for individuals suffering from both insomnia and metabolic imbalance.

Figure 1: Clinically verified, SomniVita reduces sleep onset latency by 40%, increases deep sleep duration by over 90 minutes.

Figure 2: Combined with the real-time tracking effect of the intelligent NFC chip, the waist circumference is reduced by at least 2.7cm after 14 days of use.

SomniVita can help you deal with many potential risks, such as...

● Difficulty falling asleep

● Sleep maintenance disorder

● Impaired short-term memory

● Decreased concentration & concentration

● Boost metabolism & reduce weight

SomniVita main ingredient

Lavender: Reduces anxiety and shortens the time it takes to fall asleep by activating GABA receptors (inhibitory neurotransmitters) in the brain, decreasing neuronal excitability.

Chamomile: Apigenin binds to benzodiazepine receptors and enhances GABA signaling; Matricaria azulene is anti-inflammatory and alleviates the disruption of sleep caused by physical discomfort.

Valerian Root: Inhibit GABA decomposition enzyme (GABA-T), enhance the concentration of GABA in the brain, directly inhibit central nervous system excitability, prolong the length of deep sleep.

Griffonia Seed(Griffonia simplicifolia): 5-HTP is converted to serotonin , which further synthesizes melatonin, synchronizes circadian rhythms and reduces the frequency of nocturnal awakenings.

African mango seed (Irvingia gabonensis): Regulates AMPK metabolic pathway and stabilizes blood glucose fluctuation; dietary fiber delays gastric emptying and reduces secretion of ghrelin, indirectly reducing nocturnal arousal from hunger.

Make every breath, a life-giving energy to repair circadian rhythms, over 1 million people use SomniVita to eliminate neurological insomnia and sleep maintenance disorders.

1. They're super easy and effective

2. They get to work in seconds

3. Trust me they are 100% natural

4. You'll wake up recharged and ready to go

5. You'll finally get 8 hours of sleep every night

Try it for yourself!

SomniVita has received extensive sponsorship from the Functional Medicine Association and is now available through a limited-time sale on its official website, making it more affordable. You can enjoy discounts of up to 70%.

This is the lowest price ever, so there is a possibility of stock running out. At this price, it's a bargain. I'm confident in SomniVita, which is why it offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

You may want to visit SomniVita's official website to avoid any regrets later.